Books to change the World…
REGENERATION: The Future of Community in a Permacrisis World
REGENERATION: The Future of Community in a Permacrisis World by Christian Sarkar, Philip Kotler, Enrico Foglia IDEA BITE PRESS, May 2023 Extinction or REGENERATION? There is no other way. For forty years the institutions of the world have worked to “mitigate” climate change with no results – or worse – failure to stop the rapid destruction of the […]
Brand Activism: From Purpose to Action
Brand Activism: From Purpose to Actionby Christian Sarkar and Philip Kotler IDEA BITE PRESS, November 2018 Does business have an obligation to step up when government isn’t doing its job? What happens when businesses and their customers don’t share the same values? Or, for that matter, when employees of a company don’t share the same values […]
Jobs to be Done: Theory to Practice
JOBS TO BE DONE: Theory to Practiceby Anthony W. Ulwick KINDLE Since 1991, Tony Ulwick has pioneered “Jobs to be Done” theory and created and refined his proprietary Outcome-Driven Innovation (ODI) process while leading hundreds of successful innovation engagements throughout the course of his career. His latest book, JOBS TO BE DONE: Theory to Practice, takes both the theory […]
My Adventures in Marketing: The Autobiography of Philip Kotler
by Philip Kotler IDEA BITE PRESS KINDLE edition OUT of PRINT
The Big Shift Series
by John Hagel, John Seely Brown and Duleesha Kulasooriya IDEA BITE PRESS, 2014 OUT OF PRINT The Big Shift series consists of three booklets: Shift Happens: How the world is changing and what you need to do about itby John Hagel, John Seely Brown and Duleesha Kulasooriya reveals in clear terms the great paradox confronting us: new technology […]